Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Testing the waters

One of my current concerns as I voiced in a previous post is that the Obama administration may try to take over the Federal Reserve by using the strong arm of a Democratic Congress. Looks like they may be testing the waters:

Bloomberg article: Fed Said to Retreat From Seeking Power to Sell Its Own Bills

At the House Budget hearing, a lawmaker brought up the idea of making Fed district-bank presidents subject to Senate confirmation. Currently the presidents are nominated by the banks’ boards of directors and approved by the U.S.-appointed Fed governors in Washington.

Representative Marcy Kaptur, an Ohio Democrat, asked Bernanke during the hearing whether he supported the idea. “No,” the chairman replied.

“The last thing the Fed wants is for its independence of monetary policy to be challenged,” said David M. Jones, president of DMJ Advisors LLC in Denver and a former Fed economist. “It’s very unlikely this debt thing would be pursued.”

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