Thursday, July 21, 2011

Imitation is the highest form of flattery

If imitation is the highest form of flattery, then Apple should be thoroughly flattered:

Entire Apple stores being faked in China
China reaches a new milestone in fake goods: entire Apple stores, signs, sales assts and all
BEIJING (AP) -- At first, it looks like a sleek Apple store. Sales assistants in blue T-shirts with the company's logo chat to customers. Signs advertising the iPad 2 hang from the white walls. Outside, the famous logo sits next to the words "Apple Store."
And that's the clue it's fake.
China, long known for producing counterfeit consumer gadgets, software and brand name clothing, has reached a new piracy milestone -- fake Apple stores.

I know China "owns" us; we hear about it everyday. But until I start reading stories about how we're faking successful Chinese branded stores here in the US, I'm not going to worry about it too much.

This is an indication that the Chinese are beginning to have too much money. It is my belief that only people with too much money buy Apple products in the first place.