The current liquidity gridlock and extreme volatility washing across all of our debt and equity markets has caused me to do some reflecting on what I think some of the possible causes may have been. Obviously, mortgage lending took a reckl

ess and unsustainable turn. This is

what I believe has been the major catalyst for our current state of affairs. (The second catalyst--and one I will not delve into in this piece--was a combination of the repeal of
Glass-Steagall Act in 1999, the bursting of the internet bubble in 2000 and the subsequent squeeze on
investment bank profit margins which led to their "all-in" approach to highly leveraged, high fee,
structured investment vehicles).
In order to understand how this reckless mortgage lending began, a short history lesson is in order. In a word--regulation. Regulation driven by liberals and progressives, not free-market “deregulators” as the aforementioned would have you believe.